Oh the HORROR!

So, the time has come for me to admit what happened.

Late one night, a few weeks ago, I had an urge to dye some yarn. But I was tired of the blue, purple and green gaywool dyes I have. I wanted some variety. I wanted something different.

So, that night (it was like midnight), I went to our 24 hour grocery store and I bought me some Koolaid. I don’t even want to discuss what colors I bought. It was a poor choice and I have so far erased them from my mind I am sure that I will never use those colors (or that method of dying) ever again.

And so I dyed some yarn in my microwave with some empty baby food jars, some Kool-aid and some vinegar.

Let me describe all the mistakes I made.

First, I didn’t stir the jars of color once the wet yarn was inserted. Thus, there are lots of bright white spots where the color didn’t reach.

Then, the color choices. Oh, the color choices. Look at this green. Never before has a color repulsed me so much. Ewww. It’s like toxic snot.

I hated how it turned out. I described it to my friends as “unknittable.” That’s how ugly it was. I don’t even think pictures could ever show it justice.

There is only one thing to do in a situation like this. Overdye. So, I put the green and some of the blue into a green, gaywool pot. I put some of the blue and the red and some of the purple into a blue pot. And then I put some of the blue and some of the red and some of the purple into a purple gaywool pot.

And the yarn was saved. Look at how beautiful it turned out! I just love the results. The green is a bit two neon for me but I think that there is so little of it that it’ll all be ok. I’m thinking these will be jaywalkers. Yup, I’m going to knit some eventually.

11 Responses to “Oh the HORROR!”

  1. 1 elizabeth August 5, 2006 at 1:32 am

    It happens to the best of us. I’ve got some fugly yarn…Great job on the overdye!

  2. 2 JulieFrick August 5, 2006 at 10:31 am

    Toxic snot. That is a killer descriptor. Well done!

  3. 3 Monika August 5, 2006 at 2:59 pm

    Great save there! It turned out nicely in the end!

  4. 4 Karen August 5, 2006 at 5:48 pm

    Omg….I can’t believe how you turned that yarn around! It looks great now. Toxic snot…lmao.

  5. 5 Pamela Mulla August 5, 2006 at 7:21 pm

    good save. I was thinking the same thing when I read your post to overdye it!

  6. 6 Carrie K August 6, 2006 at 10:59 am

    But wow, that yarn came out gorgeous! I would have never guessed from that first picture it could be saved, and so beautifully.

  7. 7 Dana August 7, 2006 at 9:38 am

    Wow-great save! The yarn looks fab! I hope to venture into dyeing one of these days. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. 8 Nancy (Sockaholic) August 9, 2006 at 6:56 am

    Toxic Snot heheheh it’s like the color of that canned “Slime” toy stuff kids used to buy…great job on the overdye…miraculously came out great!

  9. 9 Bethany August 9, 2006 at 12:51 pm

    But WOW, what a result. I love it! (Now, can you do it again???)

  10. 10 ann-marie September 18, 2006 at 11:09 am

    that is BEAUTIFUL!!!
    i love that yarn–i am going to be doing some more dying and my first run of jacquard acid dyes…thanks for the info.


  11. 11 mandy August 31, 2009 at 8:34 pm

    wow! i love the result!

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