Archive for May, 2007

Ravelry me up in love…

OK, so I forget where I found it… but there is this amazing new site/resource in the blogosphere and you must go and join.  Now.  Seriously.  You’ll be glad you did.

It’s in beta stage – and I requested to join a few weeks ago (so long ago that I forgot it) at the urging of someone else – and now, I just got invited – and it was totally worth the wait.

Picture this:  It’s your flickr account, a forum like the knitty coffeeshop, your own personal knitting journal, KALs and more – all rolled in to one.  It’s pretty much everything I could ever want to be able to do – and it’s still in beta mode.

So really – go and sign up.  Now.  You’ll be glad you do.  (And “friend” me while you’re there – my username is nhindes.)

Minestrone Meme

Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write on their blogs 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and need to read your blog.

seven random facts:
1. My favorite part of jello is the “skin” that forms on the bottom when you don’t stir it all the way and sugar settles on the bottom. My favorite part of homemade pudding (the kind you heat over the stove) is the skin that forms on top.

2. Izzie used to be my favorite character on Grey’s Anatomy and now I HATE her. She broke the girl rule (you do not “go there” if the man is in a relationship!!!). Bitch.  I think I should just stop here and leave it at that.

3. My favorite book ever is probably a book called “A Song for Summer” by Eva Ibbotson- it’s just really, really good.  The first time I read it, I sobbed for the entire last 45 pages (my dad thought something was wrong with me).  Essentially, the whole book sets up this fantastic love story that sorta all comes together in the end.  God, and the turtle headstone gets me every time.  Has anyone other than me read this?

4. I’ve had dreams about being back in Ireland (I went there on vacation my senior year of high school) and when I wake up and realize it’s not true, I get really really sad.  Mostly, I miss this yogurt called “Fruit Crumble” made by a company named Sno.  I don’t think they make it anymore (can anyone over there verify this?), but when I was there, I ate like 2 of them a day – they were soooo good!

5. I have a “happy” box.  I keep little notes people write me and things that make me happy.  The swatch from the first sweater I ever knit.  Copies of letters of recommendation that people have written for me.  A photo of my grandmother, mom and sister and I before we went to see “Wicked.”  Cute notes and drawings that my residents made me.  And when I get really down, or I doubt myself or just need a pick me up, I leaf through it.
6. I have a birthmark on my eyelid.  It’s about 1/3 inch in diameter (and round in shape) and pretty noticable.  When I was little, my teachers and random strangers would think there was dirt on my eyelid and come at me with thumbs moistened by their tongue – to try to wipe it off.


7. The movie “Prancer” was filmed in my elementary school and Oprah used to be my neighbor (when she had that farm in Indiana).  Seriously, swear on my life.

So… tagging 7 people… Jamie, Tori, um, and whoever else wants too!

Oh no. Someone stop me now.

Miter 2
I was only trying to do something nice. You know the story. Someone you (a knitter), knows is pregnant, expecting, has a bun in the oven. This can mean one of two things. Baby sweaters or baby blankets. This particular story involves a baby blanket.

It began many weeks ago, when stressed from finals, moving and a break up I succumbed to some yarn-type retail therapy. I bought 6 skeins of green Cotton Classic for a summery top I was going to design.

Days later, I knew it was a poor, impulse buy. I didn’t want to take it back (because, lets be honest, that would have been the smart thing to do and knitters are not smart about their stash), and by guilt alone, I decided to pack it for my summer in New York. This was the only yarn that I broke my strict sock-yarn-only rule for. Again, it was the guilt.

Knowing that I would be bringing it with me, the idea occurred to me that I ought to use it to knit a baby blanket for a woman I’ll be working with in August (well, her baby anyway). I thought about doing another pinwheel blanket, but dismissed it. Too boring. Plus, the next one I was going to knit would have ruffles and be for a girl. We are talking about a little baby boy here.

The next idea I had was to knit the blanket as a standard rectangle (I brought a US 6 circular needle) with stripes of linen stitch. A good idea. Something I may do in the future, but not now.
Miter 6
Now, it’s miters.

Heavenly, addicting, satisfying, teasing, pleasing, miters.

I can’t stop.

Of course, I couldn’t do miters in just one color. So I popped into a yarn store and bought 2 more colors.
miter 7
After I knit one miter, I realized that the yarn I had would not suffice. It was evident that I needed more yarn and, likely more colors.

I’ve since bought more yarn and knit more miters. My rules are thus: Only 2 tone miters. Only greens or neutrals (but mostly greens). The final color count cannot be an even number. Final blanket size – 6 blocks (24 miters) or 9 blocks (36 miters).
Miter 3

This is not good. I totally understand the addiction now. Now, to cast on for my next miter…

I’m ready for an apartment…

A few weeks ago, I walked down one of the side streets in Bloomington at night and saw into this girls apartment.

Her apartment looked so warm and comfortable. If I was sick, having a couch like hers would be very inviting.

I want a couch on which to cuddle under my Log Cabin Blanket. I want to be able to make grilled cheese sandwiches and have a whole cabinet for all of my mugs and my teas.

And I’m finally done living in dorms. Finally.

Here in NYC (yep, I made it, more to come later), I finally have an apartment. But since I flew here, my roomie and I didn’t bring more than the bare minimals. I expected our apartment to be an example of extreme minimalism.

But, that’s not the case! You see, all these Columbia students are moving out – and throwing away perfectly nice things. So, Rachel and I put up a sign asking people to call us if they were tossing certain items (someone gave her a guitar. Seriously!) and walked around the buildings grabbing stuff that we liked from trash piles.
Free futon!

Two girls gave us this futon! It’s going to be perfect for when people come and visit me!

Then, we got a whole bunch of kitchen stuff from this kid on our floor who was moving out – his mom totally hooked us up

Free Kitchen stuff

The wok – is in perfect condition!  We’ve also gotten our hands on a gorgeous rug, 7 posters and some awesome storage bins.  When we’re all moved and settled into the apartment we’ll be in for the summer, I’ll post pics of everything.  It’ll be far more cozy that I thought it was going to be!

Today, I’m off to the MoMA!

Pomp and Circumstance

I’m graduating from Indiana University today (Bachelors in Journalism and Human Sexuality)!


Welcome to the site! Look around. Grab a seat. I hope you brought some knitting. Feel free to bookmark the site - and at the very least, check back every once in a while (I'm a night poster). Oh. And leave me a comment!

email me at... nicole dot hindesTAKE THIS PART OUT AT gmail THIS PART TOO dot com


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Stuff on the needles – to complete, sometime.

Christmas Gifts to Finish
Mom's Sweater (the body is done)

Socks in progress...
Grandma's Socks
Koigu Scruncher
Raindrop Lace

Lace Leaves Scarf from Scarf Style
The Behemoth Log Cabin
The Swallowtail Shawl
Stupid Ugly Mitten
Felted Clogs


May 2007

On my Ipod…Music and Audiobooks

Devil in White City heartlonely

Flickrize me!